From Classroom to Community: The Impact of Our Student-Led Business Course

Our second ENV490 Sustainability Innovation II course was piloted this spring with great success, thanks to the eight students who took the challenge to build a business from the ground up that could benefit the Chaminade entrepreneurial community.

This course was student-led, and for this reason, it was dynamic, organic, and rooted in their interests and commitment. The students launched the PUA Collective initiative, which has the mission “Fostering creativity and entrepreneurship at Chaminade University of Honolulu, our community blooms like the silversword flower”.

They also established a fantastic partnership with Hawaiiverse, a discovery platform exposing and allowing local businesses to promote and sell their products and services.

We are grateful to each student for taking part in this pilot and innovative class!


Dream Big: 5th Graders and the 'Īnana Innovators Program


ENV490 II Students Shine at SBA